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Creative Ideas To Help You Manage Much Homework Quickly

Everyone feels stressed at the times when they have a lot of things to do and not much time to manage everything. If this is your first time that you cannot cope with all the homework you have, you are not alone. And, there is no reason to worry about it. Read this article to discover how to manage your work quickly.

  • Use a planner. Keep all your work tasks on one page of the planner. A planner will help you to note down work and related tasks like contacting someone to get help or complete work on time. It will also help you prioritize the tasks. Some work does not get done because it is not a priority—highlight this work in a bright color or underline it in your planner.
  • Do your work on the same day when it is assigned. When you have work, you may want to do other things like hang out with friends or browse the net. It is best to do work immediately because what you learned in class is still fresh in your mind and you have plenty time to seek help if you have too much work.
  • Develop an easy-to-follow routine. On some days you will have more work, so it helps to follow a routine to cope with it. It is good to disconnect from the sources of distraction and focus on your work. Complete a big work by taking breaks to relax. Do your best without being a perfectionist or someone who tries to please everyone. Spend more time on the classes that you like—usually work for these classes will appear easier. This is because you are good at these subjects, so build up your skills.
  • Utilize online tools. This is useful if you want to maintain a routine and have time for relaxation, sports, and fun. And, you will find that online tools offer helpful resources and services of online tutors. Some services are free or offer to test the tools without payments.

The above ideas can be useful for everyone, and good students experiences difficulties with homework too. If your friend or classmate needs help, do not hesitate to share these ideas for improving their study habits.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology © 2004 Visualizing Cultures